After 3 previous editions in the Americas (Xalapa, Mexico; Athens, USA) and Asia (Shanghai, China), the 12th edition of ISEE will take place in Europe (Rennes, France). This edition will promote the latest research on earthworm ecology, and will also be the place for researchers to meet and exchange ideas with stakeholders: policy makers and actors from the agricultural and business worlds.

It will be held in the city of Rennes in the Brittany Region (France)
from July 10th to July 15th, 2022

It is organized by l'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers, the University of Rennes1, INRAE (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment), and more broadly by a national consortium of 11 French experts from different reference high education and research structures including l'Institut Agro Dijon, CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) and IRD (French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development).

Maintaining the face-to-face symposium

Given the evolution of the health situation, we maintain our desire to hold this colloquium face-to-face in order to promote exchanges between all: our reference researchers, our young researchers and our future researchers who are our students, and more broadly the actors such as farmers, politicians, industrialists.

In order to optimize everyone's safety, we have taken care to reserve amphitheaters that can accommodate all participants while maintaining the distance between participants. Similarly, the exhibition of posters, catering, breaks will be made under conditions according to health rules.

However, if the situation should deteriorate, a bi-modal format will be considered and you will be notified.

The symposium will include sessions on the following topics

See more details in the Sessions menu.

  • Earthworm evolution and biodiversity
  • Earthworm eco-immunology, eco-physiology and stress response
  • Earthworms and soil functioning 
  • Earthworms and sustainable agriculture
  • Earthworms and climate change
  • Earthworm community ecology and ecological network    
  • Earthworms and engineering processes
  • Earthworm ecotoxicology
  • Earthworms and citizen sciences
  • Earthworms and artwork

These topics will transversally integrate topics such as socio-economic evaluations of services or dys-services related to earthworm activities. Moreover, novel technical approaches are welcome.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Rennes in July 2022!

If you have any question, contact us

The national scientific organizing committee